Our Story

Our wines are rooted in our History

Quinta da Amoreira da Torre is part of a unique agro-cultural landscape with more than 6000 years of history of human occupation. 

From the current building complex, four structuring elements date back to the 16th century; the Tower, the Pombal, whose former location corresponds to the current chapel, the 16th-century Fence that delimits the farm, supported by cylindrical buttresses in the Manueline style, and the Fonte da Rainha.

This nucleus is one of the iconic sets  of the sixteenth-century Solar Towers built around Évora.

Quinta da Amoreira da Torre was purchased by the family of the current owners about 100 years ago, at the beginning of the 20th century.

In 2000, Ana Maria Cunhal made the decision to plant a new vine in Amoreira da Torre, in the place where the primitive vine would have been planted, uprooted in the 40s of the last century.



First Vineyard Plantation

In 2000, the first 20 hectares of vineyards at Quinta da Amoreira da Torre were established.


First Wine

In 2003 we bottled the first wine: Quinta da Amoreira da Torre Tinto Reserva 2003



Organic Farming

In 2005 we started the conversion of the vineyard to Organic Agriculture


Biological Certificate

In 2008 the vineyard and all the wines were certified as organic. It was the first vineyard in Alentejo to have wines certified as organic by the CVRA



Own Cellar

Em 2019 foi tomada a decisão de construir uma adega própria, na Quinta da Amoreira da Torre


Cellar Opening

In 2021, the new winery was inaugurated, with the first harvest carried out in its own winery


Adega da Torre

Livro feito por ocasião da inauguração da nova Adega

“O nosso avô Alfredo Maria Cunhal e a nossa Mãe Ana Maria Cunhal infelizmente já não puderam ver a construção da nova adega, mas estarão sempre presentes como os grandes pilares e mentores deste projeto.

A nova Adega, a vinha e os vinhos da Amoreira da Torre são assim a homenagem que lhes prestamos e a todo o legado que nos souberam transmitir. A eles dedicamos este livro.”
